The Christmas Celebration on 2nd December,2023 in the Primary Block began with a soulful prayer song rendered by the school choir. Amidst a thunderous applause followed by the warm words of greetings, the Principal Rev.Bro.Sudhakar Reddy , the Bursar Rev.Bro.Arogram, and Coordinators were welcomed.

Our Principal Rev.Br.Sudhakar Reddy addressed the gathering and wished the students on the Advent of Christmas and a New Year. Brother emphasized on the symbols of Christmas , Carols and Thanksgiving at the birth of Christ. The Nativity skit in all its grandeur was the highlight of the day. The students rocked the stage with their spectacular performance. The arrival of Santa Claus brought delight to every child and the campus bore a jubilant atmosphere.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
‘The best of all gifts around any Christmas Tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in Love and Joy’.
The Advent of Christmas celebration started off in the High School with a prayer song followed by Christmas carols led by the school choir .The students put up a beautiful skit- ‘The Christmas Tree’ highlighting God’s love for us.

Each and every student enthusiastically and emotionally participated in the skit to give out the Christmas message of Love, Joy, Peace, Forgiveness and to be away from all the materialistic attractions of this world that misleads and keeps us away from God .
In the afternoon, a special Christmas programme was presented for the Christian parents and students. The Primary school students beautifully presented the nativity skit, followed by the High school students. The Chief Guest of the day -Rev.Fr.Praneeth Joji Ambati motivated the students to mark the season of Advent by loving and serving others with God’s own love and concern.
Special games were conducted for the parents who sportively participated and kept the joy of Christmas alive.
Various games competitions were conducted for the students and the winners were awarded by Rev.Bro.Sudhakar Reddy,Ms.Suju Thomas, Sr.Rajitha, Ms.Maria Jude and Mr.Vincent Reddy. The day concluded with the distribution of Christmas gifts.